Personal Insurance Advice

Life Insurance

How much are you worth to your family? It is impossible to quantify in emotional and relationship terms, but it is measurable in financial terms. Think of how much you earn and how many years you will be earning it – and then think of what your family would do without that income.

We can help you create a life insurance plan that pays a cash lump sum to pay debts, cover education and living expenses and allow your family to invest for ongoing income if you were to die prematurely and your dependents could no longer rely on your income.

Total & Permanent Disability (TPD) Insurance

Have you considered how you would manage without an income? If you become permanently disabled, you could suffer devastating financial impacts when your focus should be on your rehabilitation.

TPD insurance is typically an additional benefit added to your life insurance that pays a lump sum amount if you become permanently disabled. You can use it to eliminate debt, pay for treatment and maintain your living expenses.

Trauma / Critical Illness Insurance

Are you in a high-risk category for suffering a heart attack? Of course, not all serious medical conditions result in permanent disability, but they can still result in serious financial impacts. Imagine suffering a heart attack or learning you have cancer.

What would you want to do to ensure a strong recovery and to de-stress your life?

  • Fund the best possible medical treatment?
  • Pay off the mortgage?
  • Take an extended holiday?
  • Leave your job or scale down hours?
  • Trauma insurance is a lump sum benefit payable if you are diagnosed with a specific illness or injury covered by the policy. This includes cancer, stroke, heart disease, blindness, severe burns and a host of other medical conditions.

Child Trauma Insurance

Did you know that child trauma insurance can provide you with a lump sum payment in the event your child suffers from a range of specified medical conditions so that you have the resources to enable you to devote your focus to their recovery?

The insurance can be used to pay for medical treatment, rehabilitation, or as income if you need to take time off work to be with your child.

Income Protection Insurance

Could you manage financially if you no longer earned an income?

Some injuries or illnesses may result in temporary loss of income that cannot be covered by savings and will outlast any sick leave you may have. Income Protection Insurance pays up to 75% of your gross annual income to cover living expenses, debts, education and other essential expenses until you can return to work. Premiums are generally tax-deductible.